Mission Statement
To Help You Acquire The Best Tone Possible From All Your Tube Components
Ampmedic is known for trouble-shooting ability, meticulous soldering skills and building reliability & value into every amplifier serviced.
Repair - Service - Restoration of all guitar tube amps/amplifiers to include:
Marshall - Hiwatt - Fender - Gibson -
Vox - Ampeg - Mesa Boogie - Crate - Peavey - Silvertone - Valco & Peavey just to name a few.
All Hi-Fi Tube Amps/Amplifiers such as Harman Kardon - Marantz - Fisher - McIntosh - Audio Research -
H.H. Scott - Heath
Specializing In The Repair & Restoration of The Dead - The Odd Sounding - The Needy - The Hacked by others
Anything Powered By Vacuum Tubes
Treat Your Ears To Comprehensive & Improved Power Tube Biasing, Power Supply Service & Power Capacitor Sales, Amp Voicing - Improve Tone & Response
My tone shaping skills are second to none as I listen with a discriminating ear and remove unwanted hash, ghost notes & extraneous noise.
I satisfy the guitar player and audiophile alike as I go the extra mile to get 'YOUR' tone right the 1st time.
In addition, I repair, restore & sell vintage tube guitar amps, tube audio amps and preamps and solid state receivers.
You can be assured that when you buy a component from the ‘Ampmedic’, you will receive a clean, reliable, professionally serviced and beautiful sounding investment that will provide many years of trouble-free service.